Top 3 Safety Concerns Everyone Should Bear in Mind Prior to Using Ultraviolet Disinfection Lamps


Ever since Corona virus has spread across the globe, Ultraviolet disinfection lamps have gained popularity in the household routine.

What we’re here to discuss about though, are 3 major safety concerns that you should be mindful of before you switch to the Ultra violet disinfection lamp.

To begin with,

1.    Avoid direct contact

Direct contact with Ultraviolet rays is to be avoided at all costs. Prolonged exposure can cause dizziness. Make sure you do stay in the disinfected area for too long. Your safety is in your hands.

Although, research states that Ultraviolet Lamps can also render the Corona virus making it unable to reproduce itself, but it happens because of the DNA damaging properties the UV possesses. Which is why it’s highly advised that Ultraviolet Disinfection Lamps are used in closed spaces with no people around.

The UV rays from these lamps during the decontamination process are strong enough to cause skin and eye damage as well as a variety of infections. Just stay away from the area and make sure it’s safely closed off.

2.    Ventilation is important

Always remember to open the space affected by UV disinfection lamps after the decomposition process for some ventilation. This immensely helps balance the atmosphere of the disinfected area and weakens the Ultraviolet ozone enough that the UV waves are rendered to being completely harmless. Also, ensure that,  nobody enters the disinfected area during the decontamination process to avoid any harm.

3.    Highlight the disinfected area

If the area is in the process of decontamination putting up signs can go a long way to ensure safety. If that doesn’t help, the Ultraviolet disinfection lamps will automatically detect human presence and tone down the process to avoid hurting anyone.

Our advice? It’s safe not to enter the place during the decontamination process at all. Or else the damage will be on you.

To get your very own Ultraviolet disinfection lamp today. Visit now.


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