What Do the Readings on A Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Mean?

FingertipPulse Oximeters have become popular ever since the occurrence of Coronavirus Pandemic in US. It is basically a small, portable medical device that measures Oxygen Saturation levels in the blood. The non-invasive medical tool is a spot-check monitor which helps to quickly determine how efficient the blood from the heart and lungs is being sent to other body organs. A reading of the pulse oximeter indicates the percentage of blood which has been saturated, known as the Sp02 level. Studies of reliability have demonstrated mixed results. There is not much guidance on how to choose one. However, several doctors are advising patients to get fingertip pulse oximeters for use. You can also check our guide - The Correct Method to Use A Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Pulse Oximeter Readings: A Comprehensive Guide What exactly does a Pulse Oximeter Measure? A pulse oximeter can measure two things: Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2): The measurement indicates the percenta...