Is it Safe to Use Germinal Sterilization Lamps Having Ozone?

UV-C Germicidal Sterilization Lamps having ozone are disinfectant lamps that kill microorganisms and germs effectively. Depending on the UV wavelengths, some germicidal lamps generate energy and activate ozone in the air. Ozone (O3) is a strong oxidizer that destroys bacteria on contact. Ozone sterilization lamps can kill most of the airborne bacteria, viruses, and spores. It can reach directly where UV-C radiation is unable to get. The germicidal lamps that emit ozone require at least 185 nanometers of energy to generate ozone. The Application of Ozone Sterilization Lamps Ozone gas products are highly effective for hospitals as it can clean CPAP machine equipment and its accessories. The use of ozone gas products has now been increased as the gas can eradicate bacteria and other mild diseases present in the air. A UV-C germicidal lamp emitting Ozone has the following applications, They can be used to sterilize workspaces, schools, homes, medical facilities, and l...